My thoughts this morning are leaning toward the negative, but I'm trying hard to put a nice spin on it. I took the boys over to Lil'Monkey Bizness (Roll my eyes at the spelling) and had quite a time observing the other moms. I'm all for looking good, who says moms have to be dumpy, just because they're moms? But come on. These women were skinnier than I've EVER been (post children,no less!) and they do themselves up like it's a night on the town. Seriously, who do they think is looking (besides the obvious, me) ? I find it to be the double edged sword of a question. Yes, I think that feeling good about yourself, dressing well, staying fit, are important things. But do we feel the need to compete with each other, even in our thirties, as moms? Could it be that I'm just bitter because I'm one of the no fuss moms? I think maybe you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. I, for one, feel that it's important to dress for who I am RIGHT NOW. Clothes that can be painted on, puked on, and preferably stretchy. Ditto for my hair (which in fact was painted the other day- hot pink streak as a matter of fact. Lovely.) Oh yeah- and my budget. Maybe that's where the issue happens for me. I just don't have the cash to shop for all the latest fashions- so sweatpants it is.
And another thing, these cute moms out with their kids this morning? Not one of them actually played with them. They stood in a group and drank their lattes and left their kids to run wild. Hello? I thought that's why I stayed at home. So my kids would have the benefit of having me around. Good old me. Enough of my high horse.
My friend Anne sent me a "list to live by" the other day. It really was touching. And one of the things said, "Your children only have one childhood." I'm trying to remember that one and have some fun with them. Sometimes I'm grouchy mom.
I'm going to go enjoy some quiet time before my girl's home from school.
I bet some of those women also have houses where you're not allowed to touch anything.